R.E.C.H.A.R.G.E U.
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Book One of the Gripping _________ Series
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In my own words...
Are you a modern-day woman seeking to fill a big void that pills or food or worse things cannot fill? Is peace hiding its illusive face from you? Then read this book! The author will take you on a compelling, masterful journey to discovering the real you. Telsie Graziano has traveled through the dark places and has discovered the secret road that leads to true and lasting joy and peace - even through very troubling and trying times.
In the pages of this book, you will find the answer you are longing for: “where and how can I find peace and fulfillment in my life?” This is not just another self-help book that makes you feel warm and fuzzy for a short period of time. Most self-help books give their readers many 'what-not-to dos’ and a few ‘hows’, but will leave out the ‘why’. Telsie cleverly weaves words of wisdom and motivating principles from a fresh prospective. She will enlighten and encourage and emotionally train you to permanently and effectively become the goddess that you truly are.
This book is not only a splendid read, but it is also a life workbook. Telsie teaches the 9 Powerful Principles and encourages you to apply them into your everyday life and has provided the space for you to take action while you are reading.

A Look Inside
R.E.C.H.A.R.G.E U.
Chapter 01
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Chapter 01
Both chargeable and non-chargeable batteries generate flow exactly the same way. The only difference is that rechargeable batteries can generate flow in reverse order.
When energy from an outside source is applied to a rechargeable battery the flow that is released is reversed and the battery’s charge is restored.
We are just like the rechargeable battery. When energy or the Spirit, if you will, is applied to your life then your power can be restored.
Without the continuing process of recharging, the batteries have a problem keeping their charge. Some stop working, overheat, leak or even explode. They can be stiff and sometimes bulky.
Are you going to be like the non-chargeable or rechargeable battery? Are you going to continue giving and giving until you are completely drained like the non- chargeable battery? Or are you going to plug into a source that will recharge you daily like the rechargeable battery?
When you are repeatedly plugged in you will have a longer life, hold a better charge, and operate at a higher power.
How can you expect to do it all without recharging? The old saying goes, “You can’t give what you don’t have.”
Give yourself permission to step away from it all, from trying to do so much for everyone in your life except for yourself. When you give and give and give, the purpose of your life then becomes taking care of others and you lose yourself in the process.
You want the best for those you love – I get that. You want to help them to do anything that they set their minds to, to be whomever they choose, and to learn whatever it takes to have their dreams come true.
Might you want the same things for yourself? Do you feel guilty for wanting something more?
It is time to take you off the shelf, dust yourself off and start living your life instead of waiting for when your life could start someday.
The biggest reasons I wanted to write this book was to help women get over their own barriers, to love themselves for who they are in their own skin right now and empower them to live passionately and achieve their wants and desires, so they can have the kind of relationships they truly desire and inspire others to do the same.

what people say
Book Reviews
One writer in particular stood out from the finalists, with a character-driven story that we just couldn't put down until we'd turned the last page.
We can't wait to see what's next from [author name]!
kunst Magazine
As I write this review, my side still hurt from laughing so much. [Book Title] delivers what so many books are missing these days... silly, feel-good fun with likeable characters I want to spend time with.
I'm definitely picking up the next in the series!
opera house
Underneath all the humor, fun banter and over-the-top chaos, there's a heartwarming tale of what it really means to be a supportive father, a loving daughter, and a young man wrestling with commitment.
Avantgard Magazine
[Author name] has written the finest fantasy trilogy in recent memory. He’s one writer no one should miss.
Harold Post