This is my 5 year old daughter, Alezaundra singing a song she learned from a Strawberry Shortcake movie called “Bloomin’ Berry Garden”.  As I listened to the words, I was immediately inspired to record her singing and to share it with you today. 

The words are as follows: 

Life is Sweet 

Life is Good 

Life is anything you want and you know that you should 

Just believe what I say 

Look around and you’ll see 

It’s a Beautiful Day! 

It’s Good 

It’s All Good 

It’s Good 

It’s All Good 

Hum a tune, take a walk 

Whistle while you think happy thoughts 

Don’t let anybody take away your sunshine 

Fly a kite and run around 

Turn a frown upside down 

Find your sparkle 

Shine your light 

Come on, sing it loud 

Life is Sweet 

Life is Good 

Life is anything you want and you know that you should 

Just believe what I say 

Look around and you’ll see 

It’s a Beautiful Day! 

It’s All Good! 

Little children are a great example. They are happy everyday with the little things like humming a tune, taking a walk, flying a kite and running around. Life is anything you want…Just believe…Look around and find JOY! 

July 7, 2012
